




許多人都想趁著大學時期能夠出國遊歷一番,唐維敏說,在這幾年有許多同學利用交換學生的機會到美國、中國甚至是法國留學。此外國際志工的服務學習也是很多人出國壯遊的一個契機,唐維敏表示,今年度往印度的國際志工服務,甚至促成了兩地學生合拍影片的機會。這樣移地的文化適應 歷史空間的再認識,在挑戰中不斷反思成長,是在教室裡學習不到的。

tang wei-min

Dr. Tang Wei-Min specializes in cultural research and research methods in the program, while bringing lots of experience collaborating with international colleagues. He offers several suggestions to high school students interested in joining Mass Comm.

What is the best way to make a good impression during the admission interview? “The key is ‘projects,’” says Dr. Tang. It’s important to have project experience at each stage in your education. The definition of “project” is extremely broad. It can include an individual production or work in the community. As long as something was done after careful planning, it looks impressive.

When it comes to academic grades, Dr. Tang believes the number itself isn’t particularly important, but rather whether you used what was learned in a course to produce something. These productions do not necessarily need to take any particular form. They can be scripts, news reports, or advertisements; in short, anything to do with media. Outside of studying and preparing for tests, students with a specific interest in communication must display something essential: a social conscience. Dr. Tang says to get out into the real world; engage in social activities, clubs, and religious groups; and take advantage of other opportunities to provide service.

Many students want to take advantage of their university years by traveling abroad. Dr. Tang says that many students take advantage of exchange programs to travel to places as diverse as the US, China, and France. In addition, other opportunities await students in the form of service learning initiatives. Students in the program went to India this year as global volunteers, and it was so successful that it led to a joint film production between students from the two countries. This type of cultural adaptation, re-recognition of historical spaces, and constant reflection and growth in the face of challenges are things that are simply unavailable in the classroom.